Grow Cornwall 

Grow Cornwall

Grow Cornwall (CIC) was set up in 2022 to lead on the sustainable growth of Cornwall's fragile communities. 

We have two main areas of work:

1. We look at ways tourism can support community growth. (Community Supported Tourism)

2. We facilitate outdoor sessions for community and individual growth. (Outdoors, Together) 

Our Vision

A Cornwall where communities and tourists celebrate and support each other. 

A Cornwall where communities come together to grow

Our Values

Positive Futures 

People: Giving people the space, time and support needed for them to develop at their own pace, in their own way.

Planet: Showcasing small scale and deliverable ways to make positive changes to our planet.

Place: Improving Cornwall’s communities by offering a space for locals to make positive change to their communities and lives.

Purpose: Giving individuals a purpose, a reason to be proud.

Positive Futures: Showcasing a sustainable future, one in which communities, tourism and landscapes work in unison to provide economic, social and environmental growth for all. 

Growing Communities and Futures.

What is Grow Cornwall and why are we here?

Grow Cornwall was set up from a drive to develop strong and resilient Cornish communities. Communities that support each other and play a leading role in all of our lives.

With over 7 years experience developing and leading on award winning volunteering and employability programmes, Grow Cornwall will explore innovative ways of developing our fragile communities and environment. 

We will be working in two main areas. Firstly, our Community Supported Tourism project, looking at ways that Cornwall's thriving tourist industry support sustainable community growth. 

Secondly, our Outdoors, Together programme, where we facilitate regular outdoor sessions for our communities to come together, to build important social networks and carry out positive and meaningful activities. 

What is a CIC?

People over profit

A Community Interest Company (CIC) is a special type of limited company which exists to benefit the community rather than private shareholders. 

Feel free to explore our website, and if you have any questions or want to find out more about our exciting plans and projects, please do get in touch,

With thanks 

The Grow Cornwall team

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