
Born in 2022, Grow Cornwall is a new and exciting Community Interest Company, created to lead on the sustainable growth of Cornwall's fragile communities. 

Through working alongside Cornwall's thriving tourism industry, and facilitating outdoor sessions, we will offer the space and time needed for communities to come together to grow.  




What we do

We are passionate about creating positive opportunities for Cornish communities to come together to GROW. These are our current projects and programmes. 

Community Supported Tourism

Grow Cornwall CIC will lead the change in sustainable tourism throughout Cornwall. By working with the thriving tourism industry and creating high quality and affordable holidays, we will re-invest the benefits of tourism into growing Cornish communities and landscapes. We will achieve this through providing support and opportunities through volunteering and employability programmes. 

This is Community Supported Tourism.

Outdoors, Together

We have a wealth of experience in working with individuals to promote healthy lifestyles and social inclusion, and we are driven to develop community led support groups across the Duchy.  

Our Outdoors, Together programme has been designed to develop opportunities for Cornwall’s communities to get together in the outdoors.  We will facilitate the time and space:

  • For individuals to work on their mental and physical wellbeing. 
  • For individuals to set and work towards achievable development goals. 
  • For individuals to develop important social and support networks.
  • For individuals to reconnect with nature
  • For individuals to try outdoor activities in a safe and enjoyable setting.
  • For communities to come together in a positive setting to grow. 

United Cornwall FC

We are delighted that from January 2023, United Cornwall FC will be Grow Cornwall CIC's first project from their Outdoors, Together programme.

We will be facilitating weekly non-competitive football sessions, for Cornwall's male population to come together. To create friendships and support networks, whilst improving their physical and mental wellbeing. 

Whether you want to lose weight, make friends or just fill your spare time, everyone is welcome.


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