Our Team

We have a strong and professional team, who are all passionate about creating sustainable growth in Cornish communities. Each individual brings a wealth of experience and we are looking forward to growing in the future. 

Jack Greaves

Founder and Managing Director

With over 7 years' experience in developing and managing award winning social and employability programmes, it is Jack's vision and passion that is driving Grow Cornwall forward. 

Big on building communities, he has a wealth of experience in delivering educational and motivational sessions, with many he has supported improving their wellbeing or progressing into employment or education. He is passionate about creating spaces where individuals can come together to grow, and believes in the power and potential of Cornwall's amazing communities. 


Matthew Lewry

Director of Fun

Matt is Jack's walking buddy and friend, much of the early stages of Grow Cornwall were developed as they made their way around the Cornish Coast Path. 

Matt runs Imagine Outdoors, a successful business which provides outdoor educational sessions for the children of Cornwall. He works across schools and tourist destinations, providing outdoor opportunities for children to grow. Matt will be working closely with Jack to develop the Outdoors, Together programme, making sure sessions are delivered to high standards and educational levels. 

Susan Lewry 

Director (Safeguarding, Policy and Procedure and Governance) 

Recently retired after a long and successful career in the public sector and banking, specialising in policy and corporate governance. Suzie worked for local government, colleges and universities across the South West of England. Suzie will be working closely with the team on safeguarding and governance issues.

She has experience in writing policies and procedures for a range of organisations and ensuring there is a clear audit trail to evidence implementation and compliance. She is experienced and trained in handling Safeguarding issues and has been a lead governance officer for safeguarding for over 20 years. She will be closely working with Jack to make sure everything is run safely, and all paperwork and governance is in place.

Craig Donlevy 

Director of Community Football

Craig and Jack met at Plymouth University in 2015, whilst studying Environmental Science degrees. Craig has since gone on to work in Cornwall Councils planning department, before founding Tinners Property Group in 2020, a successful property management company working across Cornwall.

Craig continues to play football weekly, both socially and competitively, and is on board to help make football accessible for all of Cornwall's communities. He will be working closely with Jack to develop United Cornwall FC.

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