Community Supported Tourism - Coming Soon

Grow Cornwall CIC is a social enterprise set up in 2022 to lead the change in sustainable tourism throughout Cornwall. By creating high quality and affordable holidays, we will re-invest the benefits of tourism into growing resilient Cornish communities and landscapes.

We will achieve this through providing support and opportunities through volunteering and employability programmes. 

This is Community Supported Tourism.

Our Mission

Our mission is to become the number one provider of Community Supported Tourism throughout Cornwall and the UK.

Providing affordable holidays which CREATE  memories as well as opportunities, which IMPROVE quality of life alongside quality of the environment and which GROWS tourism alongside communities.

Our Aims


To showcase deliverable viable social, environmental and  financial solutions for communities across Cornwall and the world to not only adopt, but to thrive.


Social Aims

  • To empower the Cornish communities to come together.
  • To provide free, accessible and meaningful opportunities for Cornish communities 
  • Keeping communities together by supporting communities to fill local job vacancies.

Environmental Aims

  • To regenerate Cornish dead space and landscapes, providing  holidays that give back to the planet. 
  • To showcase small scale and deliverable changes for communities to adopt for a sustainable future.

Economic Aims

  • To provide high quality and affordable holidays. 
  • To work with employers to provide tailored training to progress locals into sustainable employment. 
  • To reinvest the financial benefits of tourism into Cornwall’s forgotten communities.

Why go Community Supported Tourism?

As a customer of a Community Supported Tourism site, you will be investing in:


You will be investing in the local community, through supporting and funding educational volunteering sessions and social opportunities.  In turn improving the wellbeing and lives of the local community. 


By choosing our sites, you will be investing in improving the local environment, through a range of projects. Including carbon capture, soil improvement, increasing biodiversity and habitat creation projects. 


You will be investing in the local communities skills and prospects, by funding tailored and meaningful employability training, to give the local population the chances they deserve. 

Social and Economic Pressures

By choosing our sites, you will be reducing the pressures on local housing through holiday homes. You will also be investing in the growing of local produce for the local foodbanks and site users. 

Employability Programmes

Targeted and meaningful employability programmes.

Our 8 week employability programme will offer training and work experience to those who are close to the workplace. In Phase One this will be piloted in partnership with large holiday parks, with the aim of running yearly at Grow Cornwall’s sites across Cornwall. This will offer tailored training and Information, Advice and Guidance to give those who are motivated the best chance possible of securing employment in tourism in their local area. 

We are trained, experienced and able to offer:

  • Tailored educational and motivational sessions
  • Information, Advice and Guidance 
  • Structured, tailored and meaningful days 
  • Work skills training, including job application and CV workshops
  • Structure and purpose to individuals lives 
  • Real life work experience within the tourism sector 
  • Space and support for individuals to work on their wellbeing, while providing solutions to deal with work based stress
  • Ongoing support after progression


Our weekly volunteering sessions

Volunteering is a great way to get outdoors, share skills and meet new people. These relaxed sessions will underpin all the support we offer. It will give individuals the chance to drop in and out of support as needed and grow at their own pace. We will offer weekly, year round sessions, which will be free and accessible, and work with local NHS providers and support organisations to set up referral routes.

Our weekly volunteering opportunities will offer those involved the chance to:

  • Build friendships, support networks and meet new people
  • Learn, try and share new skills
  • Access designated workshops 
  • Add structure and purpose to their week 
  • Improve mental and physical wellbeing
  • Reconnect with nature 
  • Grow produce for themselves and others 
  • Add to their CV 
  • Drop in and out of support - as and when it is needed
  • Progress into lead volunteering
  • Progress into our employability programme

The Destination

We are looking to work with land owners and councils to access land for a Community Supported Tourism project, if your interested in working together please get in touch.

More to come soon

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