Outdoors, Together

Grow Cornwall Outdoors, Together programme will develop opportunities for Cornwall's communities to get together in Cornwall's unique outdoors. We will facilitate time and space:

  • For individuals to work on their mental and physical wellbeing.
  • For individuals to set and work towards achievable goals, in a safe space in their own time.
  • For individuals to develop important social and support networks. 
  • For individuals to reconnect with nature. 
  • For communities to come together in a positive setting to grow. 

United Cornwall FC

United Cornwall FC is an inclusive community football group, which meets weekly and provides a positive social setting for males to get together. 

Our friendly sessions will be open to all, and no footballing experience is necessary. We want to use football to create a space for individuals to improve their mental and physical health, whilst also building important friendships and support networks. Whether you come to lose weight, improve your wellbeing or just for something to do, it doesn’t matter.


Camborne College, Trevenson Campus, 

5 - 7pm every Monday

Newquay, Godolphin FC,

6-7.30pm every Wednesday 

Truro College 

8-9pm every Wednesday 


Costs: Pay what you can afford 

We are taking referrals now, for more information please feel free to get in touch. Please contact Grow Cornwall prior to attending. 


"It was a brilliant evening. Thank you"

"Meeting new folks through social football is brilliant! It also provides a bit of clear headspace from work and life, which is very much needed!"

"Really enjoyed last night, at 51 it’s fantastic to get the opportunity to enjoy a social game of football and meet some great people"

"Highlight of the year so far mate, thank you."


Our Aims

To showcase viable deliverable social, environmental and financial solutions for communities across Cornwall and the UK to not only adopt, but to thrive. 
  1. To provide safe and positive environments for communities to come together. 
  2. To improve the mental and physical health of those involved, in turn reducing pressures and costs of the NHS. 
  3. To build resilient communities, where those involved support and nurture one another.  
  4. To develop a replicable model to support communities across Cornwall.

The Facts

Cornwalls communities are facing unprecedented pressures. Social isolation, a cost of living and housing crisis, seasonal employment and a loss of services are affecting individuals' wellbeing. 

  • Life expectancy is 6.3 years lower for men in the most deprived areas of Cornwall than in the least deprived. 
  • The rate for alcohol-related harm hospital admissions is 710*, higher than the national average. 
  • The rate for self-harm hospital admissions is 210*, worse than the average for England.
  • On average 66 people die each year as a result of suicide in Cornwall, higher than both the South West and National average. 
  • 75% of deaths by suicide are male.  
  • Coming out of the pandemic, those aged 18-39 are most likely to be experiencing moderate to severe symptoms of depression. 

*per 100,00 of the population

6.3 years

Life expectancy is 6.3 years lower for men in the most deprived areas of Cornwall than the least deprived


On average 66 people die each year from suicide in Cornwall, this is higher than both the South West and National average

11.2 million

There are 11.2 million adults in England classed as inactive, this means they do less than 30 mins of exercise each week


25% of adults in the UK experience mental health issues each year

How does physical activity help mental health?


There is plenty of evidence that taking part in physical activity can have a profound and positive impact on Mental Wellbeing. This includes: 

  • Improved Mood - studies show that physical activity has a positive impact on our mood 
  • Reduced stress - Being regularly active is shown to have a beneficial impact on alleviating stress 
  • Increased self-esteem - A key indicator of wellbeing - physical activity has a huge impact on our self-esteem 
  • Reduce depression and anxiety - Exercise has been described as a “wonder drug” in preventing and managing mental health

We also know that:

  • In England there are 11.2 million adults who are inactive (defined as participating in less than 30 minutes of moderate physical activity per week)
  • 5 million adults have a long term health condition. 
  • 25% of adults experience mental health issues each year. 
  • Adults are more likely to be inactive if they live in areas of deprivation or are on low incomes.

*taken from Sports England website.

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